The Dennis Wright Family - 2007

The Dennis Wright Family - 2007

Monday, March 24, 2008

03/16/2008 BATH TIME!

It has been some time since Jaks has come up to me (Mammy) and asked to take a BATH! She usually showers with her Mom every day and so I quit giving her baths. But this special day, she came up to me and asked if she could take a bath. So I had her get out all the toys and put them into the bath tub as the water was running in! The first toy she put in was her "Ariel" doll!

She is about 34 months old or almost 3 years old! She is daytime trained and what a relief!!! She is so good about going potty!

Jaks says, "JUST ME AND MY ARIEL!"

She didn't hardly have room to play "swim" with all the toys! What a cutie!!!

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Anonymous said...


89876 said...

Which is good. I need to do very kinky things with her.