The Dennis Wright Family - 2007

The Dennis Wright Family - 2007

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

05/09/2008 SLAYDE GETTING WET!!!

Slayde was told at school to come and run through the water at 2:00 p.m. So about 1:55 p.m., I walked him out the door with his towel and watch him get clear up to the end of the corner when he turned around and yelled that an adult was to come with him. I was standing on the lawn with NO SHOES. So I ran in the house, where I yelled down at Jaksyn who I had been getting ready for her nap and told her to get in bed and get to sleep. Then I slipped on my flip flops and took off for Slayde. By this time, Slayde was walking home. I told him to stop and I would come to him. I grabbed his hand and off we went to the Elementary School. He said, "I don't see any body in their swimsuit!" I told him to look again because kids were holding their towels and taking off their clothes where they had their swimming suits underneath. So I took his towel and went up by the building so I wouldn't get wet. He walked out on the lawn and one of his friends came over to him and the MEMORY OF HIS MAMMY WAS GONE!!! So I ran home to check on "BABY GIRL" and would you believe that she was in her bed. covered up with her blanket and asleep! What a CUTIE!!! Slayde is in the green shirt and swimsuit!

Tony (Slayde's friend) is looking at me!

I am out in the middle of the playground, trying not to get wet and about 5 yards away from Slayde, yelling at him to look at me! The kids' yelling was soooooooooooooo loud, I couldn't even hear myself!

Finally, Tony heard and saw me and told Slayde to look at me!!! He was having a blast!!!

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